Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Anyway, what I was trying to write earlier (note to self: compose posts, THEN format. Formatting as you go is begging for trouble) is that I also found a cool web-based conversion utility that converts almost anything to anything else. Image formats (mp3, wav), document formats (doc, PDF, txt), music formats (mp3, flac, ogg), and video formats (mpg, avi, m4v). Neat. I think there's a limit to the total size of the file (plus you need to spend time uploading and downloading the entire thing), but it's neat if you need to convert video in order to put it on your ipod or modded xbox or whatever. The one thing it does NOT do is flash to video, which I would really like to see, but flash isn't necessarily a video format.

What happens when you combine the seven deadly sins?

Are you trying to surf the web at work without getting caught? For shame!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, that has interfered... This situation is familiar To me. It is possible to discuss.