Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Photobloggers and the Moon!

Hola peoples! I take it you're having an excellent week so far, no? I know I am. I broke out my baseball glove for the first time in a couple years, and hot damn it felt good to play catch again. I think I'm going to go pro. Ask Luke, he says I've still got my wicked curveball...anyway, it's time to find out what's new and interesting on the intraweb today!

First up, a collection from the BBC of a bunch of images from photobloggers...most of the shots are really quite good - someone should buy me a digital camera so I can be like these folks...

Second, you all by now know about Google Earth, the program you can install on your computer and get 3D images of, well, Earth. But wait, there's more! Introducing Google Moon, which is, well, the surface of the moon in a viewable form. Now you can see where your favorite astronaut landed! w00t! (also, be sure to try out the full-zoom...)

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