Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Nerdy stuff, cool stuff

Okay, so I've got some nerdy things that only I am interested in, but I will share them with all of you on the off-chance you like them too. The first is stolen from slashdot, it's peer-to-peer television, allowing everyone to be a broadcaster. I can't check it out until I get home, as p2p networks at work tend to raise some red flags. But it definitely has potential, in my opinion. All you need is a cheap digital video camera and you're set. Hopefully after these have been out for awhile there will be simpler instructions for how to use it...

I've also been accumulating lots of links from Worldchanging, one of my favorite blogs. First up is One Minute Vacations, which is field recordings from various places around the world - enjoy the sounds of vietnam, for example. Other cool stuff they've been posting: sustainability rankings, Open Source in Brazil, Jeffrey Sachs on the end of poverty, a blogger in Kabul, and more...you really should be reading their blog instead of mine!

Also, Jason Kottke has a great idea for PBS:
Hey folks at PBS, I hear you're having funding problems. Might I suggest taking a spin around the Web to find content released under a Creative Commons license that you can broadcast for free? The Creative Commons site has a content search engine, as does Yahoo!


And perhaps it's time to make the Public Broadcasting Service into just that...media by the people, for the people. A nationwide public access channel that draws the best citizen content from around the country and (this is the important bit) is edited into PBS programming. Or at least take a few hours out of the week for this...I don't want to see Frontline, Sesame Street, Nova, or Newshour with Jim Lehrer taken off the air, but giving the Make magazine gadgeteers a half-hour a week to geek out about hacking stuff seems reasonable. The overall result may feel less professional but a lot more participatory.
He also has several good links today, including a short slideshow of Fidel.

Also, if you haven't heard the new Mint Royale record, you should get it. It's awesomez. Or if you ask *really* nice I just might give you a few tracks from it.


Anonymous said...

Hey ##NAME##, This is the first time I've seen your blog - pretty cool. I find this whole blogging thing pretty amazing. So many, and such good stuff. Mind you, technical info about digicams is my thing, which is why I was looking for ##LINK##, but it was good to see your blog. Keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

Hello ##NAME##, Just found your blog when I was out there looking around. Not exactly what I was looking for, but interesting. Good to see a blog on your topic. Rex ##LINK##.

Anonymous said...

Hey ##NAME##, This is the first time I've seen your blog - pretty cool. I find this whole blogging thing pretty amazing. So many, and such good stuff. Mind you, technical info about digicams is my thing, which is why I was looking for ##LINK##, but it was good to see your blog. Keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

HI ##NAME##, I'm no expert, but that looks a pretty good blog you've got. I 'll come back again. I expect you'll have something else that catches my eye again. Cheers, Rex ##LINK##